Placenta Medicine

The placenta is called by some the "Forgotten Chakra" and has long been seen as a signifcant part of birth and your baby's journey.

Your body is wise.

Your placenta has been the connection between you and your baby, providing nourishment, from conception throughout their entire time in the womb. Many consider the placenta to be powerful medicine and source of vitality for both you and your baby.

The placenta is an organ that grew to nourish your baby, and like other mammals, the nourishment can continue after birth. Placentas are perfect medicine to nourish the mother and help her have a speedy recovery and transition post-birth. 

Among many cultures, the placenta is known to be biological, energetic, and spiritual medicine and nourishment, and it is prepared for consumption by the mother or birth care team to aid her body in recovery from child birth.

​I tend all placentas with utmost care, love, attention, and prayer.

Like many matters during pregnancy and birth, placenta tending has many details that are best sorted before the imminent arrival of your baby..

Placenta Services can include:

  • Assistance in Half-Lotus & Full-Lotus care

  • Placenta encapsulation (raw or TCM)

  • Raw placenta cubes

  • Placenta tincture

  • Placenta smoothie (delivered to you within 24 hours)

  • Placenta prints & cord keepsakes

  • Postpartum Care Packages

  • In home Postpartum Massage


RAW or TCM Placenta Encapsulation (includes Placenta Capsules, complimentary Placenta Tincture, Placenta Print and Cord Keepsake) - $375​

Raw Placenta Preparation Only (includes complimentary Cord Keepsake) - $300

Placenta Shake delivery within 24 hours in addition to Placenta Encapsulation - $75

Travel fee may apply for folks outside of the Black Mountain area.

I found out about the benefits of pIacenta medicine in 2009, 2 years after my first child was born. I was in awe of the spirit twin that nourished life inside the womb and

became certified to alchemize the placenta into medicine with Full Circle Placenta Encapsulation in 2010.

In 2016 & 2018, I processed both of my placentas after giving birth to my son and daughter at home. Postpartum was noticeably different for me, so I offer this gift to other mamas so that they can receive the nourishment their body needs to care for a little one.

I love being with the energy of the placenta so much that

in 2022 I

furthered my studies with Aixa Amankay

and am now

certified through Traditional Doula and Midwifery Arts.

I have trained in Bloodborne Pathogen

and Infection

Control and adhere to strict protocols in

accordance with


bloodborne pathogens guidelines



To have a healing postpartum period, a mother needs rest, rejuvenation and nourishment. Setting yourself or some one you love up for the most supportive postpartum period is a gift that will last a lifetime.


Poppy Postpartum Bundle~

The essentials!

This bundle includes:


Queen Bee Postpartum Bundle~

This bundle includes:

  • Placenta Medicine (capsules, tincture, cord keepsake & placenta print)

  • Pick up and delivery of placenta

  • In home 75 minute bodywork session when your placenta is picked up or dropped off

  • Handcrafted Vaginal Steam Stool

  • 8 oz of postpartum steaming herbs

  • 16 oz of Goddess Iron Tonic


Magnolia Mama Bundle~

This bundle includes:

  • Placenta Medicine (capsules, tincture, cord keepsake & placenta print)

  • Pick up and delivery of placenta

  • In home 90 minute bodywork session when your placenta is picked up or dropped off

  • In home 90 minute bodywork session 3-4 weeks postpartum

  • Small batch hand crafted CBD Womb Salve

  • Handcrafted Vaginal Steam Stool

  • 8 oz postpartum steaming herbs

  • 8 oz mama’s milk tea blend

  • 16 oz of Goddess Iron Tonic



Once you have filled out the intake form and sent your deposit, your placenta services are scheduled. I will be on call 24/7 for two weeks prior to and after your due date. Once I receive notice that you've given birth, I will begin to process your placenta within 48 hours. While you're recovering from birth, beginning to bond with your baby, and resting, I will take good care of your placenta.

The preparation of your placenta is a 2-day process. The first day, I will prepare it for dehydration (including making a shake or tincture if desired) The second day, I will grind the placenta and put it in capsules, delivering it to you shortly after.

You can choose for me to process your placenta in your home, or in my own facilities. If you are having a home birth but you prefer to have the preparation in our facilities, we will be happy to pick up your placenta, and deliver the prepared medicine to your home. If you and your baby are recovering in the hospital or Birthing Center, and you would like a home preparation, I am happy to encapsulate your placenta in your home as long as someone you trust is there with me. 

Your Responsibilities:

It is your responsibility to keep your placenta fresh. It can be at room temperature up to 4 hours after the birth, but then should be kept cool in a cooler or refrigerator.

Notify me before delivery or shortly after the birth to make arrangements for me to pick up the placenta, or come to your home to take care of it. Failure to do so could cause complications such as delay in processing or spoilage of the placenta which would make it unusable for medicine.

For Hospital/ Birthing Center Births:

It is your responsibility to notify your birth team of wanting to release your placenta to me, and to ensure proper labeling and storage of the placenta. Your placenta should not be treated with formalin, alcohol, or any other preservative. Please notify the nurses of your placenta release upon arrival at the time of labor. 

If it is going to be more than 48 hours before the placenta can be prepared, it should be frozen. 

It should be possible to claim your placenta after Caesarean birth.​

Delayed Cord Cutting:

If you are planing some form of delayed cord cutting beyond the 3-4 hour window, I can still prepare your placenta if certain measures are taken to preserve it while it is attached to your baby. Please contact me for more information.

Circumstances that Prevent Placenta Consumption:

There are circumstances under which your placenta may not be used as medicine. These include sign of infection or significant abnormalitie that cause your placenta to need to be sent to Pathology for examination. If any of these circumstaces arise, we will discuss it together before proceeding.