learn your inner rhythms

What is Fertility Awareness Method?

Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is an evidence based practice of reading and charting a woman’s observable biological signs to conceive naturally, prevent pregnancy, track hormonal health & gain reproductive empowerment and literacy.

Once you get the hang of it, it’s pure magic!

Are you ready to collect your own hormonal data instead of using risky unreliable period apps?

can a womb wisdom mentorship support you?

  • Are you ready to get off of hormonal birth control but aren’t sure how to make the transition towards Fertility Awareness Method?

  • Are you unsure of when your bleed will come and are tired of being in the mystery around your cycle?

  • Do you know you want to get pregnant soon and want to optimize your health and fertility beforehand?

  • Do you long to create flow in your life through working with your own energy patterns instead of through the lens of hustle culture?

As a Certified Fertility Awareness Educator, I offer support through all of life’s reproductive stages. To best meet your needs, I offer three, six, nine and twelve month mentorships.

What to expect during our time together:

  • Comprehensive review of your past and present reproductive health history

  • Deep dive into your needs and goals

  • 75-90 minute initial session & 30-45 minute follow up sessions each month

  • Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology Education

  • Learning the method and how to accurately decipher hormonal biomarkers & symptoms

  • Plenty of time for questions and answers

  • Access to me for support via email or text throughout the entire mentorship

  • Recommendations on complimentary lifestyle shifts in nutrition, herbal supplements & self-care rituals

“We want better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them.”

— Dora Russell