Pregnancy Release Support

Unplanned pregnancies can happen to anyone.

If you are deciding to end a pregnancy and are in need of support, I offer a sacred space that helps you access your inner knowing, connect to your sacred Yes and prepare your body, mind and spirit to release an unwanted pregnancy.

This offering sprouted from my own need to end an unplanned pregnancy in 2010 and 2021. One was a cold, disassociated clinical abortion that left me depressed for years afterwards. During the other, I was at home on my own terms. I wove nutrition, herbs, ritual, prayer, songs, family and sisterhood into my experience. It was liberating, empowering and deeply transformative.

Throughout this initiation, it became apparent to me that I am meant to assist women through this rite-of-passage.

My prayer is that all women have access to this much needed wisdom and that abortion can be destigmantized, self-led, autonomous, connective and done safely and beautifully at home.

Our work together includes:

  • 60 minute clarity & planning session

  • pdf of resources

  • pdf of journal prompts

  • email/text/phone access throughout your journey

  • nutrient dense care package (iron rich herbal supplement, yoni steaming blend, flower essence, warming and nourishing tea & a hand crafted womb salve)

  • 60 minute processing call to be witnessed in your transformative process