Recognizing that energetic and physical medicine is the future of women’s healthcare, this class content is based on the Holistic Pelvic Care practice that Tami Lynn Kent has developed. It covers the female energy system, working with organ energies, the physical body & mapping internal pelvic tension patterns, creative energies & trauma as well as restoring equilibrium in the pelvic space by working at the energy/body interface.
Tami created this advanced class for health care providers who desire to profoundly enhance their practice of women’s health. Providers may include naturopaths, NPs, midwives, physical therapists, chiropractors, oriental medicine practitioners, RNs and LMTs in some states (including Oregon).
Topics will include working with the internal fascia to restore organ alignment and physical balance in the pelvic bowl, moving energies held in the pelvic space, and enhancing core creative vitality as a key to women’s wellness. Special topics will include creating energetic balance in the pelvic space during pregnancy (deepening the bond between mother/baby and preparing for childbirth), specific care for postpartum & postmiscarriage as well as techniques to address delivery traumas and bonding disruptions.
Through hands-on practice, case studies, and dynamic study you will learn a variety of tools developed by Tami for addressing the pelvic care of your clients in a holistic manner. You will also learn how to enhance your creativity and replenish your own female energy system even as you provide care for others. You discover the medicine of the pelvic bowl for every day life, for healing, and as a portal for creativity and birthing. This work includes sacred energy medicine to tend and repair the feminine field; it will transform your own way of being.
This workshop is an investment and one that will bring abundance to your practice because every woman can benefit from this work. Tami’s practice has a 1-2 month waiting list. Please join her if you are ready to infinitely expand your women’s health care tools! Tuition includes a Holistic Pelvic Care course manual. Partial scholarships available for women who identify as black or Native American.
Tami Lynn Kent is a holistic women’s healthcare visionary, as well as mother and writer. She guides women in activating the energy of their bodies and reclaiming the wild in themselves. Understanding the creative essence within your own center is the key for giving life to your dreams.